Welcome to Wreckers Radio!

Wreckers Radio was borne out of Cornwall Folk Radio (CFR) in early 2024. A small group of dedicated volunteers came together to ensure that the legacy of CFR could continue, and started to think about ways in which it could grow and develop.

Wreckers Radio was borne out of Cornwall Folk Radio (CFR) in early 2024. A small group of dedicated volunteers came together to ensure that the legacy of CFR could continue, and started to think about ways in which it could grow and develop.

As a group, we are all performing musicians and grassroots music events organisers and so we knew, intimately, the challenges presented to independent musicians and grassroots music venues alike, particularly those unique to being geographically located in our small corner of the UK.

We noticed that most local radio stations play, predominantly, commercial pop music, with the odd programme devoted to ‘newcomers’, or ‘alternative’ genres. While we have nothing against pop music, per se, (we can all still ‘get down’ on the disco dance floor with the best of them!) we know the challenges of getting seen or heard, when you’re a small, independent music maker with no budget and no financial backing from major players in the market. 

Hence, we decided that we would continue the legacy of CFR by platforming high quality, independent musicians, across all genres, prioritising those who are creating or performing in Cornwall and the South West. Thus, we have a commitment to keeping our play list with at least 50% Cornwall/South West based musicians or those performing in Cornwall/South West. 

With our joint experience of running local events and being heavily involved in the music scene both locally and further afield, we know that there is a huge amount of talent in Cornwall, especially among those who are creating their own music. There is also a generation of talent coming up behind us that we want to nurture and support. 

The Wreckers brand was created to appeal to musicians of all generations and to, hopefully, encourage the younger generations to get involved, get their music online and also capitalise on the experience of those who have gone before them. While Wreckers stories are embedded in Cornish and Coastal cultural tradition and myth, the truth resides more in a symbolic struggle to make ends meet, to survive and thrive, in a way that was lawful yet laden with risk. Not dissimilar to the plight of the 21st century musician and performer, in the age of digital streaming!

So, we ask that you bear with us as we are growing and developing. We will be adding programmes, podcasts, and interviews over the coming weeks and months. 

Do contact us at : hello@wreckers.radio if you want us to listen to your music and consider it for addition to the platform or if you feel you have something interesting to tell us in an interview, related to both music and grassroots venues. 

When you write to us, tell us who you are, where you are from, and which genre you consider your music to come under.

Please remember that we are a tiny group, at the moment, with day jobs and families, on top of our volunteer roles here so it might take a little while for us to get back to you.

Please also look out for our social media platforms and follow us and comment on there too! We may even follow you back 😊

For now, we are in the midst of our busiest period so, enjoy your festivals and we may even see you at some!

Emma will be at Cropredy Festival, 8th to 10th August : fairportconvention.comAdrian, Emma, Chris, and Roger, will be at Cornwall Folk Festival, 22nd to 26th August : Cornwall Folk Festival: Thu 22- Mon 26 Aug in Wadebridge, North Cornwall

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