Support Your Local Live Music Club

Here at Wreckers we take a very broad view of what constitutes “folk” music – if it is played by local people (folk means people) locally and/or has a local content then we reckon it is folk music whatever the musical style.

The key thing is people coming together to learn and play instruments in a more or less informal environment. Often places where this can happen are called “Folk Clubs”, but don’t let the name put you off.

You may find a core of granddads and nanas running things – they have the time and probably grew up with a love of live music – but you’ll also find people of all ages playing for the first time in front of an audience – either at a club night where anyone can do their thing, or as support for a more established performer or band.

The “headline” acts will often be highly accomplished musicians performing in an intimate club setting – in order to support these professional (or usually semi-pro : they typically have to to have day jobs to support their own live music habit!) musicians there will usually be a door fee, perhaps with a discount for members who pay an annual sub to support the club.

The perennial problem for live music clubs is that they have to book and commit to pay for acts whether or not an audience turns up. The modern way of instant gratification has meant that people seem reluctant to book tickets in advance. This creates a nightmare situation for the volunteers who run things as they have to cover the costs of room fees and pay the artists hoping that they will get an audience sufficient on the night to cover costs.

Some clubs stick to more or less local, and thus cheaper performers (lower travelling costs and the organisers probably know the musicians who may take a percentage rather than a fixed fee). Others will occasionally book quite well known acts and pray that you will turn up.

If you are lucky enough to have a currently functioning live music club nearby then please do get along to a couple of nights (don’t be put off by not liking the music at the first one you go to – the next one will be different and maybe more to your established tastes. And who knows maybe you’ll discover something new that you like.

Best of all, if the club is offering advance tickets for a night please do consider committing to going by paying in advance – it really does help. At the very least let the organisers know that you are planning to come.

On the Connections page you will find an (incomplete) list of Live Music Clubs, if you know of one we haven’t listed or see something wrong then please get in touch with details – at the very least a contact name and email and where they meet.

As well as clubs many pubs also put on sessions and gigs more or less regularly – we will be adding these as new section shortly (or maybe drekkly). Again if you have details of any regular live local music sessions then drop us a line.

We will also be extending the listings across the Tamar [gasp, shock, horror!] at least as far as the Exe valley and maybe beyond.

If you visit your local club and are up for writing a review then send it in and we’ll post it as a blog post linked to the listing on the connections page.

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